Poker is an individual game and players are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner. Violations of poker etiquette may result in penalties, including chip forfeiture and/or disqualification. Specifically, violations of poker etiquette include: touching another player’s cards or chips, acting out of turn, stalling the game, unnecessarily speaking during the course of play, inappropriately discussing strategies, excessive chatter and abusive conduct at the table. See this glossary entry for more information on etiquette and rules of behavior.
Stack – The amount of chips that a player has in front of him or her at the poker table. Stacks can vary in size depending on the stakes being played and the number of other players at the poker table.
Rake – The small percentage of each pot that is paid to the poker room as payment for running the poker game. The rake can also be collected as part of the total amount of money paid to tournament players as part of a payout structure.
Flop – The first three community cards dealt in a poker hand.
Overcard – A higher card than a player’s pocket pair in a community card game. For example, Ted held two overcards to Jill’s pair and two cards to come.
To reraise. Alice raised $10, Bob raised $20 more, and Carol called the $30 more. This type of play is often referred to as “sandbagging” and can be an indicator of a soft poker strategy.