
The NFL’s Official Betting Policy Has Changed

ROTT: David Purdum is an ESPN reporter who covered sports betting long before the 2018 Supreme Court ruling that threw open the doors to legalized gambling. But it’s clear that the game has changed a lot since the decision, especially for the NFL.

The league fought hard to keep sports betting illegal, but now they have to partner with sportsbooks and accept the revenue that comes with it. They also have to make sure the integrity of their games isn’t compromised by gambling, and that’s no easy task.

To do that, they are focusing on educating young athletes about the risks of gambling and how to recognize problem behavior. And they’re putting more emphasis on preventing underage gambling by monitoring their players and partnering with specialized vendors to help identify potential concerns. The NCAA is also focusing on helping student-athletes manage their finances and developing financial literacy skills through new e-learning modules.

In the past, student-athletes were mostly unaware of how to gamble responsibly and could easily get sucked into gambling machines or online sites. Now, more of them know what to look for and are able to make smarter decisions when it comes to gambling. Of course, luck is still a factor in any wager. But the more you analyze and follow teams, players, and leagues with precision, the more successful your bets will be. That means focusing on one or two leagues, and following them week after week with a close eye to any news that could impact those teams.

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